Female Firekeeping for your home, heart and community
You will learn about:
- Creating, lightning and caretaking a Home Fireplace and Hearth Altar (indoors & outdoors)
- A female way to firekeeping & cultivating right relation to life-force
- What it means - and how to - tend a Home Hearth
- What it means - and how to - tend a Ceremonial Fire
- Healing cultural disassociation / fear & ancestral trauma in relation to Fire - to break thorugh blockages & limitations within your own embodiment
- Traditional storytelling & song teachings with drum and rattle - to empower your voice & understanding why its so important for women to relate with fire
- Fire Offering ceremony - to make deeper relation & new pathways of communication with Fire
- Praying with Grandmother and Grandfather spirit of Fire - to bring balance to life
- Smudging principals for self, home and people - to clear, cleanse & re-source
- Understanding what it means to tend the Hearth of Life
- Cooking on fire & deepening connection with the feminine medicine of nourishment
- Tending to the Bigger Hearth: Our responsibility as women to caretake each other and the Mother Fire - for all children and family way of life
- Spaceholding guidance on holding Hearth Fire for your Community:
- Calling your people together around the Fire: Praying for Balance, Peace and Unity
- Examples of ways to hold fire circles
- 2 Pre-recorded step by step videos on:
- Female Firekeeping (how to prepare, light and tend your fireplace)
- Fire Clearing Ceremony: "Grandmother's Roots" how to use the element of fire for releasing stuck energy, belief systems & ancestral patterning - and then to call forth what you want in its place
Practical Details
- October 26th & 27th (recording available)
- 3 - 5:30pm CET
- Price: 220€
- Early Bird Price until October 20th: 175€
Tending to the Hearth of Woman
Confidentiality Agreement:
I understand & agree on full confidentiality of this sisterhood. I can share my own experience, and I will keep any information and sharing about other women confidential.
Self Responsibility:
I understand & agree to take full responsibility of my own experience, journey and health during this time. I understand that there are no refunds.